What is ARCHive?

Architecture has played a crucial role throughout history. Long before the concrete structures and glass facades of today, architecture has embodied a sense of community, shelter and curiosity.

However, the significance of architecture is often overlooked nowadays. Tourists take pictures of landmarks without knowing their architects and influences; people call their houses ‘homes’ without knowing how they were built.

ARCHive is a student-led organization which provides a platform for architectural expression and advocacy. The purpose of this initiative is to spread the beauty of architecture and ignite an interest in architecture, especially in youths like us. We hope that people will become more aware of the diverse structures surrounding them and take part in innovating architecture as well. 


Kenny Lau – Founder

Carroll Luk – Founder

Lolo Kwok

Nicole Au

Yanisha Chung

Eunice Wong

Mandy Hui